Membrane Technology - A Practical Guide to Membrane Technology and Applications in Food and Bioprocessing

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  • Data: 19:08 03-11-2018
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Membrane Technology - A Practical Guide to Membrane Technology and Applications in Food and Bioprocessing

Ocena: 7 | Odsłon: 305

Membrane Technology - A Practical Guide to Membrane Technology and Applications in Food and Bioprocessing
Membrane technology is a rapidly developing area, with key growth accross the process sector, including biotech separation and biomedical applications (e.g. haemodialysis, artificial lungs), through to large scale industrial applications in the water and waste-water processing and the food and drink industries. As processes mature, and the cost of membranes continues to dramatically reduce, so their applications and use are set to expand. Process engineers need access to the latest information in this area to assist with their daily work and to help to develop and apply new and ever more efficient liquid processing solutions. This book covers the latest technologies and applications, with contributions from leading figures in the field. Throughout, the emphasis is on delivering solutions to practitioners. Real world case studies and data from leading organizations -- including Cargill, Lilly, Microbach, ITT -- mean this book delivers the latest solutions as well as a critical working reference to filtration and separation professionals.
* Covers the latest technologies and applications in this fast moving bioprocessing sector
* Presents a wide range of case studies that ensure readers benefit from the hard-won experience of others, saving time, money and effort.
* World class author team headed up by the Chair of Chemical Engineering at Oxford University, UK and the VP of
Plant Operations and Process Technology at Cargill Corp, the food services company and largest privately owned company in the US
Format : PDF; Waga : 5.88 MB
ISBN 9781856176323

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