Digital Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2016

  • Dodał: administrator
  • Data: 18:31 03-11-2018
  • Kategoria: Komputerowe
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2016

Ocena: 10 | Odsłon: 182

Digital Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2016
This in-depth Maya tutorial is designed to help you get a solid understanding of the core features found
in Maya, and help you to ease your transition into this very powerful program.
During the course of these lessons, you\'ll have a chance to learn about different aspects of Maya from
several of our instructors. We are the worlds largest resource for Autodesk training, and over the years,
we\'ve had the honor and the privilege of teaching some of the top artists and studios all around the
And for the next several hours, we\'ll be giving you the most structured, well-rounded, and easiest to
follow Maya training that you\'ll be able to find anywhere. In the first portion of this tutorial, we\'ll
be getting you familiar with some of the vocabulary and foundational skills that you\'ll need in order to
begin moving around and working in Maya.
From there, we\'ll move into exploring some of the modeling features found in Maya, and we\'ll begin
building the spacecraft that will be our central project for the remainder of this course. From there,
we\'ll take you through the entire process of adding textures and materials to the spacecraft, adding
animated movement and animation controls, adding dynamics, and finally we\'ll learn how to add lights,
shadows, and output our final animated sequence.
This course is designed for new Maya users, so our goal is not to weigh you down with a lot of technical
information. Instead, we want you to form some really good habits and workflows - getting to see the
entire start-to-finish pipeline for this project - and by the end of this Maya tutorial, we want you to
be at a point where you can feel very comfortable using the software.

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