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Joan and Peter - Wells Herbert George

  • Dodał: administrator
  • Data: 13:24 30-11-2018
  • Kategoria: Literature
Joan and Peter - Wells Herbert George

The book starts in late Victorian England and ends shortly after the first world war. It covers the transition between the end of the Victorian era, and the aimlessness of the next generation very well. The main characters grow up with the best education that can be found in England at the time, which is freely admitted to be not very good.

Studia Palmyreńskie 12. Fifty Years of Polish Excavations in Palmyra 1959-2009 - Gawlikowski Michał, Majcherek Grzegorz

  • Dodał: administrator
  • Data: 20:22 04-11-2018
  • Kategoria: History
Studia Palmyreńskie 12. Fifty Years of Polish Excavations in Palmyra 1959-2009 - Gawlikowski Michał, Majcherek Grzegorz

The journal presents the results of research on specific issues related to art, material culture, architecture and archeology Palmyry.

Relevance Studies in Poland essays on language and communication. Volume 4 - Piskorska Agnieszka

  • Dodał: administrator
  • Data: 17:24 04-11-2018
  • Kategoria: Filologia
Relevance Studies in Poland essays on language and communication. Volume 4 - Piskorska Agnieszka

Kolejny tom z serii "Relevance Studies in Poland" zawiera artykuły, w których autorzy podejmują tematy z dziedziny pragmatyki kognitywnej. Proponują rozwiązania problemów teoretycznych dotyczących pojęć umysłowych, struktury informacji, komunikacji słabej oraz relacji pomiędzy emocjami, komunikacją i przetwarzaniem informacji. Przedstawiają również możliwości zastosowania Teorii Relewancji do badania takich zagadnień, jak ewolucja języka, psychoterapia, rozwój pojęć u osób niewidomych, a także przekład tekstów naukowych.

Death at the Inn - Freeman Austin R.

  • Dodał: administrator
  • Data: 16:03 04-11-2018
  • Kategoria: Thriller
Death at the Inn - Freeman Austin R.

John Gillum arrives in London from Australia apparently a wealthy man and then proceeds to cheerfully gamble his entire fortune away. During this period he cultivates the friendship of Mortimer, the bank official after meeting him at the scene of a murder near the bank. He mentions in conversation that he felt suicide was a very understandable option to someone who had lost everything.

Soul to Mind. Messages from my Soul - Margańska Izabela

Soul to Mind. Messages from my Soul - Margańska Izabela

We are excited to present you with this extraordinary book. “Soul to Mind: Messages from my Soul” is the first guide in Poland – and possibly the world – that teaches the art of communication with the soul, dictated by the soul itself. The book’s author fulfils the role of a translator who has the ability to understand the words of her soul.

Philosophy in neuroscience - Opracowanie zbiorowe

  • Dodał: administrator
  • Data: 04:15 04-11-2018
  • Kategoria: Inne
Philosophy in neuroscience - Opracowanie zbiorowe

A collection of essays dealing with the fundamental issues in neuroscience from methodological and philosophical perspectives. The Reader will learn about the methodological difficulties connected with the use of neuroscientific experiments in philosophical argumentation and about the nature of scientific explanation in neuroscience. In addition, the collection includes case studies of several issues lying at the intersection of neuroscience and philosophy such as: theory of mind, self-consciousness, self-deception, depression and morality.

Living in the Land of Ashes - Gebert Konstanty

  • Dodał: administrator
  • Data: 01:38 04-11-2018
  • Kategoria: Literature
Living in the Land of Ashes - Gebert Konstanty

Is there Jewish life in Poland after the Shoah? Should there be? How do present-day Polish Jews, children and grand-children of survivors, relate both to the wartime horrors and to the glorious history of Polish Jewry which preceded them? Do they feel comfortable living as a tiny minority in an overwhelmingly Catholic country? How do their Polish and Jewish identities interact? How did living for forty years under Communism impact on their fate? Konstanty Gebert was a witness and participant of many of the events he describes in his collection of essays on post-war Polish Jewry. His book is an indispensable guide for all those who want to understand the Polish Jewish experience today. Konstanty Gebert is a well-known Polish journalist and writer, co-founder, in the Seventies, of the unofficial Jewish Flying University and, in the Nineties, of the Polish Council of Christians and Jews.
